The next time you walk outside, take a moment to gaze up at your roof. What do you see? Do you see even shingles that are all laying flat? Or do you see shingles that are starting to curl and that are covered in moss? You can tell a lot about the condition of your roof just by looking at it. If you are at all concerned about the state of your roof, then your first call should be to a roofing contractor. They can evaluate the situation and recommend repairs or replacement as needed. Learn more about roofing and roofing contractors here on this website.
Lori Silva
Metal roof panels are held in place with roofing screws, which are designed and installed in such a way that leaks can't form. If your roof is leaking at the fastener location, then one of the following problems is likely the cause.
1. Overdriving
Overdriving is the process of screwing in a fastener too tightly. When this happens, the metal of the roof panel indents around the fastener, which prevents the gasket beneath the screw head from sitting flush and creating a tight seal. The dent acts as a funnel that routes water beneath the gasket and into the fastener hole, resulting in a major leak and eventual water damage.
2. Underdriving
An underdriven screw is the opposite problem of overdriving. The fastener is tightened insufficiently, so the gasket isn't held flush to the metal panel. Water can slowly seep beneath the gasket and into the fastener hole. Since there is no funneling, leaks from underdriven screws may not be as severe as those from overdriven screws. Water damage will still occur, though, unless the fasteners are properly tightened.
3. Angle Issues
The angle of the fastener can also lead to major leaks. Fasteners must be driven in at a right angle to the roofing panel. If they are driven in at an angle, you end up with the same issue as above — the gasket will not sit flush against the panel, at least on one side of the fastener. Water will then leak in through the unsealed side and into your home. Fasteners with angle issues must be removed and reinstalled properly to prevent leaks.
4. Lack of Gaskets
Every fastener installed through the metal panel must have a gasket between the screw head and the panel, as this is all that creates the waterproof seal. Make sure your roofer inspects all fasteners after installation to make sure no gaskets were overlooked. Gaskets can also weather and break off over time, so an annual roof inspection is necessary so missing gaskets can be located and replaced before leaks occur.
5. Bad Location
Some fastener issues may not be immediately apparent. A fastener must go through the roofing panel and into a support below. If the fastener doesn't penetrate the support, it will slowly work loose and a leak will occur. Your roofer can check for location issues after installation. If any fasteners can be jiggled or moved, then they are not properly embedded into the support below.
Contact a residential roofing company in your area if you have metal roof fastener issues that need to be repaired.